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Press Release: Give-Get-Go Audio Launches

“The time to launch new ventures is when everyone else is retreating” said Give-Get-Go founder and CEO Tony Klinger, “This is a pretty simple concept I developed to help create work and opportunities for the creative community both locally in Northampton and nationally.”

Give-Get-Go has created a team of actors called THE GIVE-GET-GO Players who will participate in producing a series of full radio dramas based on film scripts which the company either own or are involved with and have in various stages of development.

Give-Get-Go along with its production associates at AR Media (the studio) together record the audio dramas at their facilities.

“So far we have produced “Reaper's Shadow” which Joe Sultana and I wrote and which I directed.”

Later this month Give-Get-Go are recording “Sweet Dreams” with writer Sen Monro and his Company, Gripping Yarns, again directed and produced by Klinger.. “Next month we start production of 3 more co-op projects, The Havana Chronicles. We estimate that these will take us through September to the end of 2020.”Klinger and GiveGetGo intend to keep producing and already have enough material to keep going for the next two years.

The long term goal is to seek markets for these productions which will be marketed and promoted through all the many links GGG already enjoys especially Jeeni, a new platform coming on stream presently and as podcasts. There is also the possibility of these productions finding an even larger audience via mainstream radio dramas. Klinger added, "We do have international distribution and sales links to enable these activities but as a worst case scenario we will be able to deliver a first class audio demonstration of all our participants' talent".

During these dark and uncertain days for the creative community it’s encouraging to see an ambitious and courageous British media production company creating great new content.

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